Ann Harrison
InterBase Community leader
(involved in InterBase R & D
since earliest days)

Paul Beach
Former InterBase Gen. Manager

Jim Starkey
'The Big Bad Wolf who lives in IB-Architect'
Original architect of InterBase
Brett Bandy
Former IB Tech Support specialist
Charlie Caro
senior R & D engineer

Markus Kemper
Former IB Tech Support specialist
Jason Wharton
IBDI co-founder
Creator of IB Objects
Dalton Calford
IBDI co-founder

Helen Borrie
IBDI co-founder
Author-editor of IBDH

Bill Karwin
Open Source coder
Creator of IBPerl, former InterBase techie
Dave Schnepper
Open Source coder
Former InterBase techie

Steve Tendon
Co-editor of IBDH
Former ISC consultant-trainer

Vince Duggan
Creator of the IB6 Replication Engine
tech editor of IBDH
Open-source coder

Marco Cantů
tech editor of IBDH
Author of several classic Delphi books
Louis Kleiman
Open source tools coder
Former Borland/Inprise techie

Claudio Valderrama
Prolific contributor to the IB newsgroups and owner of the IB Webring
IBDH Translator (Spanish)

Jeff Overcash
Team B member
Working on the IBX components

Pavel Císař
Open source tools coder
IBDH Translator (Czech)
Co-creator of Delphree
open source libraries