The IBDI List - InterBase Developer Initiative forum for discussing issues of open source, documentation, impact on current and future development and support, etc. Files upload/download area is occasionally active. It's also a list where someone is likely to call for help with jobs!
Support issues concerning the installation of IB 6.0 are OK; otherwise this is NOT a tech support list.
Moderated by fellow IBDI members. This is the developer community heartland and it's monitored by the InterBase team. Reasonable "flak" is acceptable but NO FLAMING.
Archive: Unthreaded archive available at the list's web-site.
Subscribe directly to . Three delivery options are available (receive mail, list only and no mail).
Once subscribed, send mail to or .
Unsubscribe directly also: .

The MERS List - Best source of voluntary InterBase support in the world! Got a problem? Take it to several hundred IB experts, including just about everybody who has ever been involved in IB's product life-cycle.
You'll often see announcements of great third-party IB tools here, too, usually free.
You are encouraged to take wider InterBase community concerns to the IBDI list or one of the specialized discussion lists. It keeps the "noise level" low, for the benefit of people who are really in trouble!
List also has a newsgroup option - check the news server as a gateway to this and other IB-related news servers.
Moderated and hosted by Rob Schieck, of Mer Systems Corp.
Archive: Archive with search engine available at the web-site.
Subscribe at the web site.
Once subscribed, send mail to .
Unsubscribe by emailing the list daemon - instructions accompany every list message.

The IB-Architect List - Forum for asking about and discussing the architecture of InterBase - why a feature is there or not there, what's possible for future development, etc.
Highly technical forum, moderated by fellow IBDI members and monitored by the InterBase architects, past and present. NO TECH SUPPORT QUESTIONS, NO FLAMING. (The no-flaming rule does not apply to Jim Starkey).
Archive: Unthreaded archive available at the list's web-site.
Subscribe directly to . Three delivery options are available (receive mail, list only and no mail).
Once subscribed, send mail to or .
Unsubscribe directly also: .

The IB-Build List - For reporting and discussing progress with builds, ports and bug-fixes on any platform version.
Moderated and hosted by Rob Schieck, of Mer Systems Corp. NO TECH SUPPORT QUESTIONS FOR BINARY VERSIONS ACCEPTED.
List also has a newsgroup option - check the news server as a gateway to this and other IB-related news servers.
Archive: Archive with search engine available at the web-site.
Subscribe at the web site.
Once subscribed, send mail to .
Unsubscribe by emailing the list daemon - instructions accompany every list message.

The IB-Conversions List - Converting from another database to InterBase? Or have you done a conversion already? Join this one to get and give tech support on database conversions. List archive will (we hope) grow into Tech Info sheets.
Moderated by fellow IBDI members.
Archive: Unthreaded archive available at the list's web-site.
Subscribe directly to . Three delivery options are available (receive mail, list only and no mail).
Once subscribed, send mail to .
Unsubscribe directly also: .

The IBObjects List - Tech support list for IB developers using the IBObjects data access components for InterBase
Unmoderated - but please restrict questions to IBO-specific topics and use the main MERS list for SQL and database problems.
List also has a newsgroup option on news server under the mers.* branch.
Archive: Archive with search engine available at the Mer Systems web-site.
Subscribe directly from the IBObjects web site.
Once subscribed, send mail to .
Unsubscribe by emailing the list daemon - instructions accompany every list message.

The IB-Java List - General discussion list for Java developers wanting to develop InterBase tools in Java or to discuss InterClient/Interserver issues for InterBase 6.0.
Please write all messages in English.
Moderated by .
Archive: Unthreaded archive available at the list's web-site.
Subscribe directly to . Three delivery options are available (receive mail, list only and no mail).
Once subscribed, send mail to .
Unsubscribe directly also: .

The IB-Priorities List - For sharing your ideas with the InterBase team about what the priorities should be as the new company takes over InterBase from its old owner, Borland (Inprise).
Moderated by fellow IBDI members and monitored by the InterBase team. NO TECH SUPPORT QUESTIONS ACCEPTED, but you are welcome to discuss Tech Support as a topic.
Archive: Unthreaded archive available at the list's web-site.
Subscribe directly to . Three delivery options are available (receive mail, list only and no mail).
Once subscribed, send mail to or .
Unsubscribe directly also: .

The IBDH-Translators List - General information and policy list for translators and proof-readers involved in translating the InterBase Developer's Handbook.
Please do NOT join this list unless you seriously want to join a Translator team. If you DO, please join and send a message to the list, in English, and the team coordinator for your language will contact you. You may be asked to join another Translators list in that language.
Please write all messages in English.
Moderated by IBDH editors and individual language coordinators.
Archive: Unthreaded archive available at the list's web-site.
Subscribe directly to . Three delivery options are available (receive mail, list only and no mail).
Once subscribed, send mail to or .
Unsubscribe directly also: .

For a full linking list of all known InterBase newsgroups, visit
Claudio Valderrama's site.

The InterBase newsgroups can be found on the news server
All of the beta program newsgroups for IB 6 (codename "kinobi") are now public and participants have been released from non-disclosure agreements (NDA). Find them on the same server, under
See also the usenet gateway on the news server
to access the inprise forums and much more.
